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  • 1kg de farine T55 ou T45
  • 18g de sel
  • 100g de sucre
  • 30g de levure fraîche de boulangerie (3,5 c à c de levure sèche)
  • 380 à 400g de lait (ou lait de soja)
  • 4 oeufs (200g)
  • 250g de beurre ramolli (ou margarine)
  • Chocolat noir en barres ou pépites,
  • Sucre grain

Oxford Exam Excellence (with smart CD and key)

Oxford Exam Excellence (with smart CD and key)
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication date: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-19-443002-9
Number of pages: 200
Format / Quality: PDF + mp3
Size: 101 Mb
A complete exam preparation coursebook for secondary students working towards B1 and B2 level exams. Exam skills training through twelve topic-based units, with practice at two levels: B1 and B2. Suitable for classroom use or self-study.

Key features:
All key exam topics and vocabulary covered.

Practice of all main test task types in Reading, Listening, Use of English, Writing, and Speaking.

Exam techniques, preparation strategies, and useful study tips.

Multi-ROM containing recorded material for the Listening tasks and tapescripts.

Word Bank with key vocabulary, Speaking Bank with useful communicative phrases, and Writing Bank with model texts and advice.

Smart answer key that explains why an answer is correct.

No Password

Remarks: levels: B1-B2

Top Grammar (CD-ROM)

Top Grammar (CD-ROM)
Author: Finnie, Rachel et al
Publisher: Helbling Languages
Publication date: 2010
Format / Quality: EXE
Size: 40 MB
Top Grammar is a grammar reference book for students of English from elementary level A1 to Upper-intermediate B2. It is comprehensive, clear, flexible and easy to use. The material is ideal for individual study, for use in class or for exam preparation. Top Grammar offers the student clear grammar explanations with examples and more than 900 exercises. Each of the 132 units is clearly laid out, with grammar rules on the left and exercises on the right. Each unit, as well as a grammar focus, covers a specific lexical area. At the end of each of the 252 sections, there is a two-page Review with revision exercises. There are also 14 sections of exam exercises that prepare the student for PET and FCE exams. 
Top Grammar components: 
*Student's Book
*CD-ROM - with 300 extra exercises and pronunciation, vocabulary and dictation practice 
*Teacher's Book with -teaching tips for using Top Grammar at home and in the class -25 tests, one for each grammar section -Answer key to all the exercises and tests Answer key also available as a separate booklet. (This text refers to the set of materials; here the post is available for the CD-ROM only)
To run the software (best runs on WinXP):

1) Unrar the program folder

2) Click on the index.htm file

3) The software starts... enjoy...

Objectif Express couvre les niveaux A1/A2 du CECR.


Objectif Express
Author: Anne-Lyse Dubois, Béatrice Tauzin
Publisher: Hachette
Date: 2005
Pages: 192
Format: RAR/PDF/MP3
Size: 67,7 Mb
Target language: French
Source languages: French
Objectif Express est un cours intensif pour un public d'adultes débutants (et faux débutants) en situation professionnelle ou en préparation à la vie active. C'est une méthode conçue pour répondre à des besoins immédiats et urgents d'apprentissage du français.

Un cours...
- intensif : 120 heures en 10 unités, qui donnent accès aux niveaux A1 et A2 du Cadre européen commun de référence.
- pour adultes : une démarche actionnelle, axée sur la réalisation de tâches concrètes.
- pour débutants : une progression efficace et des objectifs clairement identifiés.
- en situation professionnelle : des situations de vie active pour communiquer dans le monde du travail comme dans la vie quotidienne.

Objectif Express couvre les niveaux A1/A2 du CECR.

minor: Objectif_Express_A1-A2_wma.rar Objectif_Express_A1-A2_pdf.rar

Higher Education in the USA (+ CD with extra resources)


Higher Education in the USA (+ CD with extra resources)

THE AMERICAN STUDIES SERIES is an innovative approach to teaching English through the content of American Studies and cross-cultural topics.It combines the expertise of Russian and American scholars and teachers who, working together, provide learners with fresh, lively, creative, and relevant material to improve their English language proficiency.

The series focuses on developing communication skills - reading, writing, listening, and speaking - as well as a better understanding of one's own culture and other cultures. The series also provides ample opportunities to develop critical thinking skills and explore, compare, and contrast values and ideas.

One of the most unique features of each textbook is the inclusion of multimedia materials, including mp3 sound files taken or adapted from the Voice of America Special English website and the U.S. Department of State E-journals.
