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New Total English Starter

New Total English Starter
Author: Jonathan Bygrave
Publisher: Pearson Longman
Publication date: 2012-01-01
ISBN: 1408267217
Format / Quality: PDF, MP3, FLV
Size: 792MB
What makes New Total English different from – and better than – the original edition? Firstly, don’t worry – we haven’t thrown the baby out with the bathwater! We haven’t changed everything. We’ve listened to what teachers said they liked, and we’ve kept it. You’ll certainly recognise the look, the format and some integral features from the first edition; for example, the Lead-in pages, the easy-to-use lessons, the Communication pages, the Vocabulary pages (at higher levels), the Reference pages and the Review and practice sections.
Some things are different, however. We’ve improved the flow of many of the lessons, integrating more ‘can-do’ statements and a clear ‘outcome’ into every lesson. We’ve given more space to the writing skill by providing a complete Writing Bank at the back of the book, covering different text types and writing sub-skills. Semiauthentic recordings (as well as scripted ones) are now included, to help students to develop their listening skills and to gain confidence in dealing with features such as redundancy, hesitation and ungrammatical speech. And,as you’d expect with a new edition, we’ve also updated many of the texts, as well as revisiting the grammar,vocabulary and pronunciation syllabuses.
We hope that you’ll agree that we’ve kept what was good and improved other features to make New Total English an even better package.
Araminta Crace

This post consists of:
SB, WB, Classaudio, WB audio, wordlist, Video

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